Zadruga za etično financiranje
Since mid April we’ve become one of the members of the Cooperative for Ethical Finance
Objavljeno: 6 May, 2016

Cooperative for Ethical Finance (in Cro. Zadruga za etično financiranje; ZEF) is a legal entity established in order to create the prerequisites for creation of the first social bank in Croatia “EBank“. The Cooperative will be the Banks founder and only owner/stakeholder. EBank in creation is an ethical development bank owned entirely by its own members. Instead of high profits, its primary goals are contributing to a better society through funding financially, socially and ecologically sustainable projects.

Participation of DVOKUT-ECRO Ltd in this project is one of the ways in which we promote our corporate social responsibility practice with the aim of contributing to the community development.

Week in which we love nature event

Week in which we love nature event

Our Laboratory for Flora, Fauna and Habitats moved to Samobor on Tuesday and Wednesday (March 19 and 20, 2024). We participated in the event A Week in which we love nature in the Samobor City Library – Children's Department where we held a workshop Peek into the world...



This year we are participating in Scinergy'24. a project aimed at connecting the scientific and business community in Croatia. It is a pilot project of the European Commission, coordinated by the World Bank in cooperation with international partners London Business...