Week in which we love nature event

Week in which we love nature event

Our Laboratory for Flora, Fauna and Habitats moved to Samobor on Tuesday and Wednesday (March 19 and 20, 2024). We participated in the event A Week in which we love nature in the Samobor City Library – Children’s Department where we held a workshop Peek into the...


This year we are participating in Scinergy’24. a project aimed at connecting the scientific and business community in Croatia. It is a pilot project of the European Commission, coordinated by the World Bank in cooperation with international partners London...
Participation in the 21st century Explorers workshops

Participation in the 21st century Explorers workshops

On November 4th, the “21st Century Explorers” event was held as part of the Croatian speleologists meeting at the Milan Lang Elementary School (Bregana), intended for students, but also teachers and the general public. A total of sixteen workshops related...
New Mobile Emission Laboratory (MEL)

New Mobile Emission Laboratory (MEL)

For many years, Dvokut-Ecro Ltd. has accreditation according to the requirements of the standard ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 for testing air quality and emissions of pollutants into the air from stationary sources in domain of waste gases and air. We are proud owners of a...