Europski tjedan mobilnosti
European Mobility Week
Objavljeno: 21 Sep, 2016

We’re a proud participant of the European Mobility Week (16th-22nd September, 2016), seventh year in a row.

In the courtyard of the Technical Museum “Nikola Tesla” in Zagreb visitors can look around our Mobile Ecological Laboratory (MEL) and get introduced to air quality protection issues through a lecture Testing air quality with the Mobile Ecological Laboratory (MEL) and through presentation tests held by DVOKUT-ECTO experts.

Week in which we love nature event

Week in which we love nature event

Our Laboratory for Flora, Fauna and Habitats moved to Samobor on Tuesday and Wednesday (March 19 and 20, 2024). We participated in the event A Week in which we love nature in the Samobor City Library – Children's Department where we held a workshop Peek into the world...



This year we are participating in Scinergy'24. a project aimed at connecting the scientific and business community in Croatia. It is a pilot project of the European Commission, coordinated by the World Bank in cooperation with international partners London Business...