In the period from 19. to 23. September 2018. the 13th Croatian Biological Congress was held with more than 300 participants from twenty countries.
Two of our colleagues participated with oral lectures:
- Role of zooplankton in shallow lake restoration – In situ mesocosm experiment (J. Fressl, M. Špoljar, T. Dražina, J. Lajtner, T. Tomljanović, I. Zrinščak) and
- Biodiversity of testate amoebas (Testacea) from selected subterranean karst habitats of the Dinaric Arc (N. Baković).
The main subjects of the Congress were conservation biology, nature and environment protection, ecology, biology of freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, marine biology, toxicology, ecotoxicology, biogeography, microbiology and many more.
During the Congress, two round tables were held with topics: „What kind of experts are needed in nature protection?“ and „EU legislation in environment protection“.
More about the congress can be found at: