Quality and environmental management policy
Policy of quality and environmental management is made up from our mission and vision that reflect the aspirations of DVOKUT-ECRO Ltd. in the area of environmental protection and sustainable development depicted in our motto – “To protect the environment and create its future purpose.“
You can view our full Policy on quality, environmental protection, health protection and informational safety here.
“…employees are carefully selected based primarily on their professional and personal characteristics… The attitude towards the workers inevitably creates conditions for professional efficiency and excellence, which naturally generates significant business competitiveness and accompanying business success.”
Konrad about Dvokut in our presentation “Creating team spirit – relationship between the manager and employees”
Knowledge, ideas and individuality aimed at preservation of natural and other resources, promotion of natural beauty, biodiversity conservation and spreading environmental awareness. New solutions for the economic development and companies to increase profits, for individuals and other stakeholders to develop their social and environmental responsibility.
“A new employee is extremely quickly incorporated into the system, and his/hers future employment and quality depend exclusively on his/hers results, which is immediately clear to everyone.“
Predrag about Dvokut in our presentation “Creating team spirit – relationship between the manager and employees”
To become an international consulting company and a reliable partner to business and financial institutions in the newly created market of business demand, which offers innovative and the most modern business solutions in environmental protection and sustainable development according to the world’s leading standards.
“This is what I like the most in Dvokut – interpersonal relationships!! Whenever we are in a crunch, tasks get reassigned and there is no assignment that can’t be accomplished. It’s a good feeling to know that you are not alone and that there is always someone that can jump in and help you…“
Mario about Dvokut in our presentation “Creating team spirit – relationship between the manager and employees”
Given the above-mentioned, and with the aim of modernizing business operations, and increasing the efficiency and quality of service, DVOKUT-ECRO introduced into its business practice certified quality management and environmental management systems ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 back in 2006.